Our story begins in 1998, when an Englishwoman got married to a Dutchman and moved to the Netherlands. She was captivated by the Dutch culture, particularly the diet. Bread played a huge part in daily life, with fresh loaves available on nearly every street corner, and being a staple in every meal. As the Dutch joke goes; “What is the difference between breakfast and lunch in Holland? About four hours!” The Dutch seemed lost without a ‘boterham’ and some ‘kaas.’ (A sandwich and some cheese.)
After becoming fluent in Dutch, having three ‘buns in the oven’ herself and getting friendly with the local bakeries, she discovered a range of interesting products used by these master ‘broodbakkers,’ many of which were not available back in her homeland, England. And so began Spoon & Pinch! Our passion for the Dutch culture and cuisine has propelled us into the likes of France, Germany, England, Ireland and Scotland.
Since then, our expert team have brought their passion for baking into the homes of many English and European families. Spoon & Pinch have become well-known for the highest quality speciality ingredients; making bread baking a little less frustrating and a whole lot more of an exciting, enjoyable, and reliable experience.
Twenty six years later; with a few twists, turns and rebrands under our belt, Spoon & Pinch has gained a wealth of experience, but are proud to still be selling the same reliable products, within an ever-growing and very versatile range. Here at Spoon & Pinch, we are passionate about saving you time, as well as helping you take your baking to a whole new level. With this vision in mind, Spoon & Pinch explores the magical world of professional bakeries, bringing tips and tricks of the trade into your home kitchen. If you too, want to bake like a pro, join the Spoon & Pinch community today! Browse our fantastic range of recipes and get busy baking!
With premium results guaranteed!
Spoon & Pinch Ltd
Apex House
Coldnose Road
© 2021 Spoon & Pinch All Rights Reserved. Site by Bee Bizzi & Zani Design